Massages by Sandy, LLC
Massage Therapy is for every BODY!!! Call: 706.495.5365
About the Practitioner

Sandy Steed, LMT BCTMB

Licensed in the state of Georgia MT004833,

BCTMB (Board Certified in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork)

Aiken Technical College Massage Therapy Program graduate (top of my class)

Massage Therapy is for every BODY!

I came into massage by accident. I was working one night in ICU, giving my patient a bath when I realized that while rubbing lotion on my patient, it was stimulating the muscles. That intrigued me! I wanted to learn more but nursing was my passion... my life. Then came the birth of my second daughter. During my delivery, I pushed and pushed but little progress was being made. After some time and much pain (as I did NOT have an epidural), I gave a great big push. *POP* And the pain became so great but my daughter would finally emerge. As I laid in the bed, I pondered what that audible pop was. I didn't have that with my first child. It was time to go to the bathroom so I can be moved to the mother baby unit and it hit me what happened... my pelvis felt like it was in TWO!! And that was in fact exactly what happened... I popped my pelvis in two while I pushed. I went to physical therapy and found no real relief. I was given the option of surgery or shots to control my pain... but who wants to go that route?  My husband was getting transferred to another state, so I suffered in silence. When we arrived in Georgia, I sought out schools in the area to pursue massage. To my surprise, there were schools close by. So there my journey began in 2006. But that isn't the end. My husband suffered a bulging disc and had much pain. During my time in school, I massaged him, I stretched him as I was learning. My husband got better and was able to run again. (He was active duty military at the time) I just knew I was in the right profession!!

So here I am... a massage therapist since 2007... licensed by the state of Georgia and Board Certified by the National Certification Board of Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork. My education is ongoing... the classes I take are not what everyone else takes. I seek classes that will improve the well-being of my clients... helping them move!

Here is the list of classes I have taken:

  • ACE Massage Cupping w/Anita Shannon: Feb 2017
  • Orthopedic Massage w/James Waslaski: Jan/Feb 2017
  • Kinseo taping Class 1-3: Sept 2016
  • Voila with Joel Crandall: Sept 2015
  • Transitioned to Board Certification: Sept 2015
  • 606 hours of massage essentials and modalities Aiken Tech 2006 - 2007
  • Nationally Certification test by the National Certification Board of Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork Board: Sept 2007
  • FMSC= I am FMS certified!!!! Jan 2014
  • FAKTR with Tom Hyde: Feb 2014
  • OrthoMassage with James Waslaski: Jan/Feb 2014
  • Pregnancy Massage: Jan 2014 My CE National Home Study
  • FMS with Gray Cook & Lee Burton: July 2013
  • NKTTMMarch 2013 with David Weinstock
  •  Myoskeletal Alignment Technique: November 2012 with Erik Dalton, PhD
  •  Ethics: July 2012 with Laura Allen
  •  Waterless Spa Treatments: July 2012 with Felicia Brown
  •  Self Care for LMTs: July 2012 with Gloria Coppola
  •  Basic Boomerang Marketing: July 2012 with Allen, Brown, and Coppola
  •  Preventing Medical Errors: Aug 2011 Elite Continuing Education
  •  Communicable Disease Education: Aug 2011 Elite Continuing Education
  •  Ethics & Standard V Roles and Boundaries in Massage Therapy: Aug 2011
  •  Intro to PTSD for Massage Therapists: Jan 2011 Elite Cont. Ed.
  •  Myoskeletal Alignment Technique: May 2010 with Erik Dalton, PhD
  •  Stretch your Clients: Oct 2010 with Peggy Lamb
  •  Muscle Restore Technique: April 2008 with Ed Sternberg




Check out my resume and see what else this massage therapist does.


Oct 2007-Jan 2007 Power House Gym Ft. Gordon, GA Independent Contractor

October 2007 Member of New Life Christian Center 

[Performed fundraisers for HPSO, Father's Heart and Women's Conference-- served in Nursery and 1 year olds]

Feb 2008-June 2008 Self employed on Columbia Road Augusta, GA Independent Contractor

June 2008-June 2009 Gordon Fitness Center Ft. Gordon, GA Independent Contractor (Contract holder)

Subcontracted 2 Independent Contractors at Gordon Fitness Center during the same time period

July 2009-Feb 2010 Amelia Earhart Complex (Subcontractor to AAFES concessionaire)

Feb 2010-Oct 2010 Volunteer Work in Wiesbaden Community

[FRG Leader for HHC 2nd MI BN 6/10-11/10]  Picked 2 times for Volunteer of the Month

--->Helped with numerous activities: cooking, cleaning, fundraising, set up, tear down <----

{AWAG Guest speaker 11/10] Hand and arm massage class

[PTO Yearbook Chair 07/11-05/12] Picked 1 time for Volunteer of the Month

Oct 2010-May2012 Home Based Business Wiesbaden, Germany (Self Employed)

Volunteered at WCSC doing Chair massages

Member of Rhein Main Christian Fellowship

[Served in children's church, led a Relationship ministry as a teacher, served in choir]

Mar 2012-June 2012 World Traveler (traveled to Paris, France; Izmir & Istanbul,Turkey, Dubrovnik, Croatia, Olympia, Greece; London, England; Prague, Czech Republic; Naples, Italy-- this is where I have fullfilled one of my dreams of seeing Pompeii and Herculaneum and seeing Mt. Vesuvius!!!!)

July 2012-February 2013 Independent Contractor at Omar's Barber Shop & Day Spa

Dec 2012-June 2013 Independent Contractor at A local "Day" Spa

July 2013 to current-- Open for business!!!

Dec 2013-- Independent Contractor at Movado Poker Classic

April 2014-- Independent Contractor at the World Series of Poker circuit event

(Both poker events were held in Cherokee, NC at Harrah's Casino)

I had the opportunity to study wellness in other countries and my head is FILLED with MUCH knowledge... so what are you waiting for, make YOUR appointment TODAY!!!


 Gloria Coppola 

Class with Gloria Coppola 2012

 Laura Allen

Class with Laura Allen 2012

Felicia Brown

Class with Felicia Brown 2012

Erik Dalton

Class with Erik Dalton, PhD 2012

David Weinstock

Class with David Weinstock 2013

Gray Cook

Class with Gray Cook MSPT 2013

James Waslaski

Class with James Waslaski 2014

Lee Childs

WSOP circuit event 2014 with Lee Childs

Josh Limehouse

WSOP circuit event 2014 with Josh Limehouse


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